This policy statement is produced in accordance with the responsibilities of AVR Group under Section 2(3) of the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.
AVR Group considers that the Health and Safety of employees, visitors, contractors and members of the public is of paramount importance. To this aim, we will strive to continually improve our success in this field.
The Directors of AVR Group are responsible for ensuring compliance with current legislation and company procedures and for organising, planning and providing sufficient resources for these requirements.
Through management at all levels AVR Group has a responsibility, so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure the Health and Safety of all its employees while at work, and members of the public, visitors and contractors whilst on its premises and in accepting this responsibility will:
Signed and dated electronically,
Managing Director AVR Group
Cert No ARC/G/2275
ISO 9001 Quality Management
Cert No 9030
ISO 27001 Information Security
ISO 14001 Environmental
ISO 45001 Health & Safety
ISO 22301 Business Continuity
LPS 1020 Cert CSFA008